The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) and the FPI Center for Military and Diplomatic History invite you to attend a discussion of Barry Strauss’s most recent publication, on the rivalry between Rome versus Carthage.
Barry writes, "This is the story of two countries that had long enjoyed peaceable and sometimes friendly relations, then turned on each other and fought the most destructive series of wars of the ancient world (the Punic Wars, 264-146 BCE). The end saw such a complete victory that the losing state was wiped out as a political unit. In fact, the Roman destruction of Carthage was the closest to genocide that antiquity got. Before that, however, Carthage inflicted the most humiliating battlefield defeat the Roman republic ever endured (Cannae, 216 BCE), and it gave the ancient world one of its most glamorous and tactically brilliant commanders -- Hannibal." Barry's chapter from Great Strategic Rivalries answers, "How and why did this roller-coaster of a conflict end as it did? Why did it happen in the first place?"
Copies of Great Strategic Rivalries can be ordered here
Schedule of Events:
5:30 - 6:00 pm Reception
6:00 - 7:00 pm Discussion