
Advanced Strategy Program: Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Region

Co-Hosted by the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

May 8–19, 2017

Mid-career professionals in the national security community, please join us for a unique opportunity to receive a graduate-level education in Asia and strategy from topflight scholars and practitioners like General John Keane, USA (Ret.) former Acting Chief of Staff of the Army, The Honorable Randy Forbes, former U.S. Representative and Chairman of the House Armed Services’ Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, and Dr. Eliot Cohen, author of Big Stick and the Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies at SAIS.  The growing list of speakers is included below.

Participants will learn about Asia's strategic importance, the great powers of the region, and the various U.S. strategies and operational concepts that might prove effective or beneficial in the region. Students will also have an opportunity to test their own strategies for the region in a simulation-style wargame that serves as a capstone to the course.

For pricing and availability, contact Christine Kunkel at or (202) 663-5772.



Dr. Walter Anderson is the Administrative Director of the South Asia Studies Program at SAIS. He recently retired as chief of the U.S. State Department's South Asia Division in the Office of Analysis for the Near East and South Asia after holding other key positions within the State Department, including special assistant to the ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi and member of the Policy Planning Staff in Washington, DC. He also previously taught at the University of Chicago and the College of Wooster. His current research involves Hindu nationalism and India's assertive foreign policy in the Indian Ocean and its littoral. He has a  Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Michael Auslin is a resident scholar and the director of Japan Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he specializes in Asian regional security and political issues. Before joining AEI, Dr. Auslin was an associate professor of history at Yale University.

Katherine Blakeley is a Research Fellow at CSBA. Prior to joining CSBA, she worked as a defense policy analyst at the Congressional Research Service and the Center for American Progress. She is completing her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she also received her M.A.

Dr. Hal Brands is a Senior Fellow at CSBA and a Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at SAIS. In 2015–2016, he was a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow. In that capacity, he served as an adviser to the Secretary of Defense working on a range of strategic planning and policy issues. He has also consulted with a range of government offices and agencies in the intelligence and national security communities, as well as the RAND Corporation, and provided research and analysis for the Office of Net Assessment in the Department of Defense.

Dr. Kent Calder is currently Director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at SAIS. He also serves as Director of Japan Studies. He was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon in the Fall of 2014. Before arriving at SAIS in 2003, he taught for twenty years at Princeton University, was a visiting professor at Seoul National University, and was a lecturer on government at Harvard University.

Bryan Clark is a Senior Fellow at CSBA. Prior to joining CSBA, he was Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations and Director of his Commander’s Action Group, where he led development of Navy strategy and implemented new initiatives in electromagnetic spectrum operations, undersea warfare, expeditionary operations, and personnel and readiness management.

Dr. Eliot Cohen is the Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies at SAIS. He directs the strategic studies program and the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, which he founded. He has twice won the Johns Hopkins SAIS Excellence in Teaching Award. For ten years, he led a Johns Hopkins SAIS partnership with the Maxwell School of Syracuse University in providing executive education to general officers and senior Defense Department officials, as part of the National Security Studies program. From April 2007 through January 2009 he served as Counselor of the Department of State. A principal officer of the Department, he had special responsibility for advising the Secretary on matters pertaining to Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Russia, as well as on general strategic issues.

Jacob Cohn is a Research Fellow at CSBA where he manages the Strategic Choices Tool and conducts research and analysis for both the Strategic Studies and the Budgetary Studies programs. His primary areas of interest concern trends in the overall defense budget, in particular the linkages between resources and strategy. His research also focuses on the utilization of scenarios and wargames to facilitate long-range strategic planning and operational concept development.

Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt holds the Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at AEI, where he researches and writes extensively on demographics and economic development, generally, and on international security in the Korean peninsula and Asia, more specifically.

Former U.S. Representative J. Randy Forbes is the Naval War College Foundation Senior Distinguished Fellow at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. While in Congress, Forbes served as a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Readiness from 2011-2013, Forbes was responsible for setting readiness policy and authorizing funding for operations and maintenance, training, military construction, and munitions procurement. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces from 2013-2017, Forbes oversaw Navy policy, shipbuilding programs, and weapons procurement, along with elements of naval aviation and the Air Force’s long-range bomber, tanker, and airlift aircraft.

Mark Gunzinger is a Senior Fellow at CSBA. He previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Forces Transformation and Resources. He is the principal author or co-author of multiple Defense Planning Guidance directives (key strategic planning documents that shape DoD force planning). A retired Air Force Colonel and Command Pilot, he joined the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2004. He was appointed to the Senior Executive Service and served as Principal Director of the Department’s central staff for the 2005–2006 QDR.

Dr. Karl D. Jackson is the C.V. Starr Distinguished Professor of Southeast Asia Studies at SAIS. Before joining SAIS he was a professor of political science at the University of California, Berkeley; an adviser to both the president of the World Bank and executive vice president of the International Finance Corporation; a former senior adviser at Cerberus Capital Partners; and a managing director at International Foreign Exchange Concepts. He served as president of the U.S.-Thailand Business Council and as national security adviser to the vice president of the United States, to the special assistant to the president, to the senior director for Asia on the National Security Council, and to the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia and the Pacific.

General John M. Keane, USA (Ret.) is the Senior Managing Director and co-founder of Keane Advisors, LLC. General Keane is a retired four-star general who dedicated four decades of his life to public service, which culminated in his appointment as acting Chief of Staff and Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. General Keane is a career paratrooper and a combat veteran of Vietnam decorated for valor who spent much of his military life in operational commands with his units deployed in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Dr. Thomas Keaney is the Associate Director of Strategic Studies at SAIS, Executive Director of the Merrill Center, and a senior adjunct professor of strategic studies at SAIS. Before coming to SAIS in 1998, he was a professor of military strategy and director of the core courses on military thought and strategy for ten years at the National War College in Washington, DC.

Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken is President and Chief Executive Officer of CSBA. He is a Senior Research Professor at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies at SAIS.  Between 2006 and 2009, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning and subsequently served on the staff of the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel and the 2014 National Defense Panel.

Julian Snelder is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at CSBA. He has more than 25 years of management consulting experience in Asia. He worked for the management consultancy McKinsey & Company for eight years, then for Morgan Stanley for eight years: the latter role as head of technology investment banking for Asia. Since 2005 he has been director and partner in an emerging market investment fund. He has worked extensively in China, India, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. He has advised corporate and government clients on mergers and acquisitions, fundraising and capital investment, business planning and budget planning, privatization, and industrial policy. His particular interest is the broad application of commercial information and manufacturing technologies to matters of national security.

Dr. Charles A. Stevenson teaches courses in American foreign policy at SAIS. Previously, he was a longtime professor at the National War College, where he was director of the core course on the interagency process for national security policy. He has executive branch experience, including service on the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff, and served for 22 years as a Senate staffer on defense and foreign policy.

Jan van Tol is a Senior Fellow at CSBA. Prior to his retirement from the Navy in 2007, Captain van Tol served as special adviser in the Office of the Vice President. He was a military assistant to Andrew W. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense’s Principal Advisor for Net Assessment, from 1993–1996 and again from 2001–2003. At sea, he commanded three warships, two of which (the USS O’Brien [DD-975] and the USS Essex [LHD-2]), were part of the U.S. Navy's Forward Deployed Naval Forces based in Japan. Captain van Tol’s analytic work has focused mainly on long-range strategic planning, naval warfare, military innovation, and wargaming.

Dr. Toshi Yoshihara is a Senior Fellow at CSBA. Before joining CSBA, he held the John A. van Beuren Chair of Asia-Pacific Studies at the U.S. Naval War College where he taught strategy for over a decade. He was also an affiliate member of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the war college. Dr. Yoshihara has been a visiting professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University since 2012. He has also taught as a visiting professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego and as a visiting professor in the Strategy Department at the U.S. Air War College.

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