
Directed Energy Summit 2016

Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) and Booz Allen are pleased to announce our second annual DE Summit in Washington DC on June 23, 2016. Our first of its kind DE Summit in 2015 brought together 350 attendees, including members of Congress, Department of Defense decision makers, and industry leaders, to explore issues and solutions related to fielding future DE capabilities.

The objective of our 2016 Summit is to continue to engage stakeholders and identify new advantages DE systems could provide to America’s warfighters. A key focus area for the 2016 DE Summit is to address the best path forward to operationalizing DE capabilities in the near and long-term. The event will include updates on significant progress made since last year’s Summit, senior leader keynote addresses, and separate 2/3 star-level panels focused on operationalizing DE across multiple mission areas. The morning session is unclassified and will receive broad press coverage. A post-lunch classified session at the secret level will be followed by a reception.

The Summit also includes an update from Directed Energy Caucus Co-chairs and Senate sponsors of Directed Energy Weapon Systems Acquisition Act of 2016. The Heinrich-Inhofe Senate bill is designed to accelerate the development and transition of directed energy technology capabilities for our nation's military. The bill authorizes the Secretary of Defense to use rapid acquisition authorities for directed energy weapon systems development and fielding. Companion House legislation from the DE Caucus is in process.

This one-day event is the place to be to hear from and engage with all of the key Directed Energy stakeholders.

  • General Ellen M. Pawlikowski, Commander, Air Force Materiel Command
  • Admiral Bill Moran, Vice Chief of Naval Operations
  • Vice Admiral James D. Syring, Director, Missile Defense Agency
  • James A. MacStravic, Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Office of the Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
  • Lieutenant General Bradley A. Heithold, Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command
  • Lieutenant General William H. Etter, Commander, 1st Air Force (Air Force North) and Commander Continental North American Aerospace Defense Command Region
  • Lieutenant General James M. “Mike” Holmes, U.S. Air Force - Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Requirements
  • Lieutenant General Robert S. Walsh, Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command, and Deputy Commandant, Combat Development and Integration
  • Major General Robert M. “Bo” Dyess, Deputy Director, Army Capabilities Integration Center
  • Dr. John D. Burrow, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (DASN RDT&E)
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