CSBA hosted a conversation between Carl Rehberg and the former Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. (Ret) Carrol H. "Howie" Chandler, to discuss CSBA's latest study, Moving Pieces: Near-Term Changes to Pacific Air Posture.
In this study, authors Carl Rehberg and Josh Chang propose a new framework for air posture resilience in the Indo-Pacific theater. Rehberg and Chang use Okinawa and Guam as case studies for this new framework, analyzing recent plans and implemented changes to posture on both islands and their current force posture. They then recommend a series of options the U.S. can implement by 2030. Although posture resiliency must constitute the right mix of passive and active defenses, it also requires more emphasis on an understudied element to enhance the survivability of force posture in U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: force structure capabilities for counterstrike. Force posture and posture resiliency call for bold leadership from DoD et al. to implement and accelerate meaningful options now and in the near term to enhance crisis and structural stability. These options will assure U.S. allies and partners, deters adversaries, focus on operational plan execution, and improve warfighting effectiveness. The time to act is now.
General Howie Chandler transitioned from military service following duty as the Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force in March 2011 after over 36 years of distinguished service. As the second highest ranking officer in the Air Force, he formulated Air Force policy and guidance for over 680,000 Active-Duty, Guard, Reserve and Civilian Airmen. He was responsible for organizing, training, and equipping Air Force personnel for worldwide operations. General Chandler presided over the Air Staff and served as a voting member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Requirements Oversight Council, reviewing major Department of Defense programs. He led and was responsible for resourcing decisions involving the Air Force's $120 billion budget as Chair of the Air Force Council. General Chandler’s assignments as a general officer covered 14 years and included Commander, Pacific Air Forces; Air Component Commander, U.S. Pacific Command; Air Force Headquarters Director of Operations; Commander, Alaskan Command and Eleventh Air Force; Director of Operations for Air Combat Command during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom; Air Staff Director for Operational Plans; NATO Chief of Staff for Allied Air Forces Southern Europe during the Air War over Serbia; and Commander of the 56th Fighter Wing, the Air Force's largest fighter wing. He served overseas in Japan, Saudi Arabia and Italy. General Chandler was a career fighter pilot with more than 3900 hours of flying time in the F-15C/E, F-16C, and T-38. A complete military biography is available at: www.af.mil/information/bios/index.asp.