Press Releases

CSBA Launches Defense Journalism Seminar Series

Washington, D.C., November 19, 2020 – The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), building on the success of its recent Congressional Defense Seminar Series (CDSS), announced today the launch of a new national security seminar aimed at journalists working the defense beat for both trade and general interest media outlets. This program will bring together reporters and writers for a virtual series of interactive seminars that illuminate the conceptual foundations of defense policy as well as the intricacies of contemporary national security processes. The forum will comprise four evening sessions beginning in January 2021 and will feature senior CSBA leaders and advisors, independent national security experts, and veterans of defense journalism.

According to Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken, CSBA’s President and CEO, “Today’s defense journalists must rapidly digest complex budget and technical materials, cover specialized hearings and briefings, and engage with sources who often have greater access to decision-quality sources of information – all under ever increasing competitive pressures. CSBA, with its world-class experts and nonpartisan reputation, is well positioned to help correspondents become more discerning consumers of the information that drives policy debates.”

Each of the four, two-hour sessions will be conducted in a Zoom webinar format and held during January-February 2021. The initial curriculum will include the following topics:

  • Assessing Military Service Modernization and Innovation Efforts;
  • Understanding Nuclear Weapons Technologies and Deterrence Concepts;
  • Demystifying the Defense Budget: Policy, Process, and Politicians;
  • Diagnosing the State of Civil-Military Relations.

In addition to offering deeply researched assessments of this subject matter, the CSBA Defense Journalism Seminar Series will feature insights on the changing nature of defense news coverage and how to cover complex technological and geopolitical issues with credibility. CSBA will provide an independent outlet for reporters to build relationships among sources and engage with subject matter experts on emerging trends.

Dr. Evan B. Montgomery, CSBA’s Director of Research and Studies, notes that “this program is designed to enhance the substantive tool kit that busy defense writers need in their daily rounds, and to help them authoritatively address longer-term strategy, the changing character of warfare, and evolving concepts of deterrence. The goal for us is to help develop the next generation of respected defense writers in an engaging, interactive manner.”

CSBA is currently accepting applications for a limited number of slots for the inaugural seminar series. Applicants should be currently employed at an accredited journalistic outlet in an assignment related to national security or defense industrial issues. Interested parties should submit a current CV and cover letter to by Friday, December 11, 2020.

About the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) is an independent, nonpartisan policy research institute established to promote innovative thinking and debate about national security strategy and investment options. CSBA’s assessments focus on key questions related to existing and emerging threats to U.S. national security, and its goal is to enable policymakers to make informed decisions on matters of strategy, security policy, and resource allocation.

Media Contact: William Bodie, 202-719-1358