Press Releases

CSBA Special Feature: NATO’s Evolution

This week, 32 allied nations will gather in Washington, DC for the annual NATO Summit, marking the alliance’s 75th anniversary. As we prepare for this occasion, we invite you to explore analyses that examine NATO’s challenges and evolution.


CSBA Publications


Understanding NATO’s Concept for Deterrence and Defense of the Euro-Atlantic Area

Katherine Kjellström Elgin, Sean Monaghan, Sara Bjerg Moller

May 20, 2024 | CSBA Brief

NATO’s Concept for Deterrence and Defense of the Euro-Atlantic Area (the DDA, or the “Deter and Defend” strategy) is the centerpiece of NATO’s dramatic “back to the future” transformation. It has helped the alliance be more forward-leaning in its defense and deterrence missions and, since 2022, it has been the linchpin in NATO’s efforts to deter Vladimir Putin from expanding his war of aggression beyond Ukraine. However, more work remains for NATO to be able to implement the strategy and strengthen its defense and deterrence.

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An Ongoing and Necessary Renaissance: NATO’s Nuclear Posture

Eric Edelman and Franklin C. Miller

January 25, 2024 | CSBA Brief

Given Russia’s recent behavior and the prospect that it could become even more reliant on its nuclear forces due to conventional military losses in Ukraine, now is the time to explore potential changes to NATO’s nuclear posture. This includes broadening the participation in nuclear sharing rather than forward-stationing nuclear weapons on the territory of newer member states.

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Deterrence and Defense in the Baltic Region

Jan van Tol, Christopher Bassler, Katherine Kjellström Elgin, Tyler Hacker

June 2, 2022 | CSBA Study

The Russian invasion of Ukraine revealed significant new realities regarding the future defense of Europe, with emphasis on the Baltic region. Based on initial, provisional observations, the authors examine pre-war assumptions about Russian military effectiveness that were proven to be unfounded; assess the key roles that Ukraine’s employment of precision-guided weapons and drones played in defeating Russia’s opening attacks; and recommend actions that the Baltic states, NATO, and the United States should undertake as part of a NATO “reset.”  

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Strengthening the Defense of NATO’s Eastern Frontier

Billy Fabian, Mark Gunzinger, Jan van Tol, Jacob Cohn, Gillian Evans

March 13, 2019 | CSBA Study

The emergence of Russia as a disruptive force in Europe poses a threat to the security of the NATO alliance and its member states. Plausible paths to conflict exist that NATO cannot afford to ignore. The authors offer recommendations for enhancing deterrence and, if necessary, defeating Russian aggression against NATO in Poland and the Baltic region.

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Other Features

From CSBA Counselor Eric Edelman, and Fellows Katherine Kjellström Elgin and Tyler Hacker


Sweden, Finland, and the Meaning of Alliance Membership

Katherine Kjellström Elgin and Alexander Lanoszka

June 7, 2024 | Podcast: Horns of a Dilemma

What do Sweden and Finland gain from NATO membership? How does joining the alliance redefine these countries’ identities and strategic cultures? 

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NATO’s Future

Eric Edelman and Eliot A. Cohen

March 21, 2024 | Podcast: Shield of the Republic

Now that NATO is made up of 32 rather than 12 members, critical questions arise about its decision-making processes. Should NATO adjust its consensus-based approach to enhance agility when responding to security challenges?

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NATO’s Decision Process Has an Achilles’ Heel

Eric Edelman, David Manning, Franklin C. Miller

March 12, 2024 | Article: New Atlanticist

Given the threatening international backdrop and the need to balance the cohesion of a larger alliance with the ability to make rapid and resolute decisions, has the time come to revise the consensus model in critical Article 5 situations?

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NATO Has a Munitions Problem, and Europe Needs to Step Up

Katherine Kjellström Elgin and Tyler Hacker

February 1, 2024 | Article: DefenseNews

The European defense industry has at least three competing needs: supplying weapons to Ukraine, refilling stockpiles, and building up larger inventories of weapons for the future. It is time for European NATO members to acknowledge the true scale of their weapon requirements and adopt a strategic approach to meeting them in the near and long term.

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U.S. Alliance Management in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition

Benedetta Berti, Katherine Kjellström Elgin, Gorana Grgić, Martayn Vandewall

November 21, 2023 | Article: Defence Studies

To effectively tackle challenges in two critical theaters simultaneously while also addressing global threats, the United States will need to capitalize on its chief geostrategic advantage over its competitors and adversaries—its global network of alliances and strategic partnerships. 

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We Need a Renaissance in Deterrence Policy

Eric Edelman and Franklin C. Miller

October 19, 2023 | Podcast: Shield of the Republic

In light of heightened provocations, this podcast explores proactive measures to fortify NATO’s deterrent capabilities against Russian aggression, emphasizing the importance of strategic readiness and cohesion.

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Sweden, Finland, and the Meaning of Alliance Membership

Katherine Kjellström Elgin and Alexander Lanoszka

Spring 2023 | Article: Texas National Security Review

The authors examine the implications of Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership. They explore how joining the alliance redefines these countries’ identities and strategic cultures, offering new insights into the broader geopolitical landscape of Northern Europe.

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NATO 2030: Towards a New Strategic Concept and Beyond

Jason Blessing, Katherine Kjellström Elgin, Nele Marrianne Ewers-Peters

2021 | Book: Foreign Policy Institute/Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs

Written by a diverse, multigenerational group of policymakers and academics from across Europe and the United States, this book provides new insights about NATO’s changing threat landscape, its shifting internal dynamics, and the evolution of warfare.

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