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Turkey Places Bounty on Two Former U.S. Government Officials

Eric Edelman, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey, told the Free Beacon the latest bounty on Rubin and Fuller represents a "continuation of Erdogan's effort to export authoritarian lawlessness and lack of respect for due process."…

"It's a pathetic effort to try and inculpate Americans like Graham Fuller and Michael Rubin as somehow being responsible for the coup to distract attention, frankly, from the corruption," said Edelman, who also served as an undersecretary for defense policy…

"No one is calling him to account," Edelman said. "The president meets with him in New York in September and says, ‘Everything is great,' and then Erdogan goes back to Turkey and on his itinerary is a trip to Tehran" and meetings with the Russians.

"It's not two thumbs in the eye, it's three thumbs in the eye to Trump," Edelman said.