
Harrison Schramm

Non-Resident Senior Fellow

Harrison Schramm has been a leader in the Operations Research community for the past decade. Prior to joining CSBA, he had a successful career in the US Navy, where he served as a Helicopter Pilot, Military Assistant Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, and as a lead Operations Research Analyst in the Pentagon. His areas of emphasis were large-scale simulation models, statistics, optimization, and applied probability. His research interests are at the intersection of data, mathematical models, and policy, and is a Principal Research Scientist at Group W. 

Mr. Schramm enjoys professional accreditation from the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (CAP, INFORMS), the American Statistical Association (PStat, ASA) and the Royal (UK) Statistical Society (CStat, RSS). His published work has appeared in INTERFACES, J. Applied Meteorology and Climatology, SIGNIFICANCE, J. Mathematical Biosciences, Proceedings of the US Naval Institute, OR/MS Today and Military Operations Research. He is President-Elect of the Analytics Society of INFORMS and a past Vice President of the Military Operations Research Society (MORS).

Harrison is a recipient of the Richard H. Barchi Prize, Steinmetz Prize, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, and the Naval Helicopter Association’s Aircrew of the Year. He is the 2018 recipient of the Clayton Thomas award for distinguished service to the profession of Operations Research.


BS in Electrical Engineering (with Merit)
US Naval Academy

MS in Operations Research
Naval Postgraduate School