As the modernization of existing nuclear arsenals, the spread of nuclear weapons, and the diffusion of new technologies make the nuclear landscape more complex, the time is ripe for a fresh examination of the nuclear balance. Toward this end, CSBA has been conducting a multi-year net assessment of the changing nuclear balance.
The first two products of this major ongoing analytic effort, The Changing Nuclear Balance: a Net Assessment:
• Assessing the Arsenals: Past, Present, and Future Capabilities by Jacob Cohn, Adam Lemon, and Evan Braden Montgomery
• Understanding Strategic Interaction in the Second Nuclear Age by Thomas G. Mahnken, Gillian Evans, Toshi Yoshihara, Eric S. Edelman, and Jack Bianchi.
Assessing the Arsenals: Past, Present, and Future Capabilities assesses the past, present, and planned nuclear arsenals all of the declared nuclear-weapons states. It then uses that data to identify key asymmetries across national nuclear arsenals, which could have major consequences for competition, crisis, and conflict.