On Thursday, June 11, 2020, CSBA will host a Virtual Book Talk panel led by Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken, President and CEO of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis and Editor of the new volume, Net Assessment and Military Strategy (2020, Cambria Press).
The Office of Net Assessment (ONA) has been one of the most effective and innovative centers for strategic thinking in the Department of Defense since 1973. Under the leadership of the legendary Andrew W. Marshall (who contributed an introduction to this volume), net assessments utilize a multidisciplinary approach to defense analysis to capture the dynamics of national or coalition military strengths and weaknesses for comparison with the capabilities of competitors and adversaries. They offer critical insights to senior leaders on the relative military power of the United States vis-à-vis potential adversaries over time.
The panel will also include:
- Dr. Aaron L. Friedberg, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University
- Andrew May, Associate Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Abram N. Shulsky, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Please register below to participate in a lively discussion about an invaluable volume for scholars and students in international relations, political science, and conflict and security. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.