
Directed Energy Summit Featured in Aviation Week

On July 28th the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and Booz Allen Hamilton co-hosted the first Directed Energy Summit, which brought together senior leaders from Congress, the Department of Defense, and industry to discuss the need to initiate new DE weapons programs. The Summit was covered extensively in the August 17–30 edition of Aviation Week & Space Technology in a five-article feature highlighting the event's major takeaways as well as speaker revelations on DE technologies including laser, railgun, and microwave weapons.

Star Wars II: Radical Weapons to Counter Missile Swarms

This article addresses the threat of cost-imposing missile strategies as well as directed energy's potential for reversing the cost equation in favor of U.S. forces. Summit keynote speakers Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics; Maj. Gen. Jerry Harris,U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command vice commander; and Rep Jim Langevin (D-RI) contributed insights on these issues.

Light Sabers: Solid-State Lasers Show New Promise

Summit experts Brig. Gen. Neil Thurgood, U.S. Army program executive officer for missiles and space; RDML Bryant Fuller, deputy commander for naval engineering at Sea Systems Command; and Keith Englander, Missile Defense Agency chief engineer, provided updates on the status of solid-state laser development. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus also highlighted the department's goals for high-power lasers.

Quick Draw: Railgun Sea Trials Due Next Year

In this piece, Summit speakers Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and Army Brig. Gen. Neil Thurgood discussed projected plans and uses for railgun defenses at sea and on the land.

Shake and Bake: Veil Lifts on Microwave Weapons

Maj. Gen. Jerry Harris; Lt. Gen. William Etter, commander of NORAD; and Maj. Gen. Tom Masiello, commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory discussed the utility and difficulties of engaging threats with High-Power Microwave weapons.

First Light: AFSOC Wants to Have First Airborne Laser

Lt. Gen.Brad Heithold, commander of AFSOC, advocated for airborne high-energy lasers at the Summit. Lt. Gen. William Etter supported designing the next-generation bomber with DE in mind, while Maj. Gen. Tom Masiello detailed USAF plans to use HELs for fighter aircraft self-defense. Maj. Gen. Jerry Harris also spoke about the development of CHAMP (Counter-electronics High-Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project).


Video of the Directed Energy Summit

Media Coverage of the Directed Energy Summit:

Navy Pursuing Upgraded Railgun, Higher-Power Laser Gun By 2020

US Special Forces Pursuing AC-130-Based "Active Denial System"

Use of Plane-Mounted Lasers Could Take a While, Lawmaker Says

Laser Weapons: Technology Evolves but Politically a Tough Sell

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