
Report Release Webinar—China’s Strategic Choices: A New Tool for Assessing the PLA’s Modernization

CSBA hosted a webinar on CSBA’s new China Strategic Choices Tool (SCT) and its accompanying report, China’s Strategic Choices: A New Tool for Assessing the PLA’s Modernization, by Jack Bianchi, Madison Creery, Harrison Schramm, and Toshi Yoshihara.

Developed as the result of a dedicated multi-year research and analysis effort, the China SCT represents a unique analytical capability that allows users to explore Chinese defense investments as well as the costs associated with various defense options. Using a relative cost approach to estimate China’s military investments, the China SCT allows users to simulate investments in and divestments from a broad portfolio of People’s Liberation Army capabilities, allowing users to construct alternative future force structures within budgetary constraints. 

To mark the launch of the China SCT, CSBA held a special Zoom webinar featuring the report’s authors, a demonstration of the tool’s capabilities, and remarks by ADM Philip S. Davidson, USN (ret.), former Commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command.