Column: With Friends Like These…
Can the Defense Department succeed in future budget battles without some of its most articulate friends? We're about to find out.
Navy News - Federal News Radio
How should the Navy adapt to meet new security challenge? CSBA's Bryan Clark and the Hudson Institute's Bryan McGrath discuss their recent appearance before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces on In Depth with Francis Rose.
Philippines Liberty Policy Was Decades in the Making
With a major joint exercise in the Philippines underway, liberty is all but secured for the more than 6,000 troops involved.
Stand Back: The Perils of Longer-Ranged Sensors and Weapons
The Washington-based Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) recently released a couple of reports that should be required reading for anyone thinking about future force structures.
Almost Nobody Believes the U.S. Air Force Can Build an Affordable Bomber
The last time the U.S. Air Force developed a stealth bomber, the planes cost $2.2 billion each and couldn’t sit out in the rain.
Change Could Help Bring New Bombers to Ellsworth
Monday's announcement of an impending command change could be another step toward bringing the next-generation of bomber airplanes to Ellsworth Air Force Base and further shoring up the base’s future, observers say.