Military Readiness Crisis: Is It Reality Or Just Politics?
“Ready for what?” said Katherine Blakeley, a research fellow at the nonprofit Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Factors in readiness can include depot maintenance, hours of use of aircraft and Army full-spectrum training.
Rebuild The Military? Next President Must Win Budget Battle First
Katherine Blakeley, a research fellow at the independent Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said Congress might abandon efforts to pass an annual budget this year and instead opt for a stopgap measure that maintains current spending levels for some part of 2017 until some other solution can be found.
Submarines Surface as Key Tool in World’s Navies
That’s because they have realized that even the best surface vessels and warplanes are vulnerable to anti-ship or anti-aircraft missiles, says Bryan Clark of Washington’s Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, an independent think-tank.
Iraq & Syria Airstrikes Dip 30% Since June: Turkey & Russia Complications
The Turkish impact is “definitely mixed,” said Peter Haynes, a retired Navy captain now with the Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments. “It is a blessing in the short term, as far as moving ground troops into Syria to root out ISIS. But in the middle term, at least, it is far more mixed.”
Avoiding Fracture in Bratislava: Four Trends that Threaten European Unity
On September 16, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with fellow EU leaders in Bratislava, Slovakia. The mood will certainly be tense as Europe faces the repercussions of Britain’s vote to depart the European Union.
For A Truly Independent Foreign Policy, Scrap EDCA
Anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) is the term used by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), a Washington-based security think tank, in a 2012 paper, “The Geostrategic Return of the Philippines,” which highlighted the paramount strategic value of the archipelago.