
David W. Hamon

Non-Resident Senior Fellow

Mr. Hamon is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He has over 38 years of progressive experience in public service, more than 20 in international affairs, specializing in understanding new and emerging international security threats and challenges. His experience and research focuses on solutions to policy and strategy problems for the benefit of government and society by developing future-oriented, strategic research initiatives/teams, and creating dialogue/engagement opportunities with diverse groups of experts. 

Mr. Hamon currently serves as Vice President, Economic Warfare Institute, and as Director of Strategic Initiatives, Soft Power Solutions Inc. His professional highlights include: Distinguished Analyst & Founding Director of Banyan Analytics Institute, Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER); Director, Strategic Research and Dialogues, and formerly Deputy Director of Research and Studies of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Office of Advanced Systems and Concepts (ASCO); Regional Director for Policy and Programs, African Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense; and service with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations. 

Adjunct service highlights include the Pacific Command Center for Excellence (Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance), Army Command and General Staff College, UNAIDS Military Sector International Task Force, and CIA State Failure Working Group, Intelligence and National Security Association Asia Task Force and the Financial Threats Task Force. He is an adjunct faculty member for the University of Montana, the University of Mary Washington, and Webster University. He provides consultative services for Argonne National Laboratory–Decision Sciences Division--and on HIV prevention for Defense Department, the U.S. Navy, and UNAIDS; international logistics planning and operations for private companies. He is a retired US Army Logistician. 


M.A. in Political Science/International Affairs
Northeastern University