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Poland-U.S. Crisis Planning Seminar and Strategic Choices Exercise

During the recent NATO Summit in Warsaw, NATO announced its decision to station four multinational battalions on its eastern flank, one in each of the Baltic states and Poland. Will this initiative help create a credible deterrent posture in Europe in light of a revisionist Russia?

Results of CSBA’s Polish Strategic Choices Game Released

During the recent NATO Summit in Warsaw, NATO announced its decision to station four multinational battalions on its eastern flank, one in each of the Baltic states and Poland. Will this initiative help create a credible deterrent posture in Europe in light of a revisionist Russia?

2nd Annual Directed Energy Summit

On June 23, 2016, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) and Booz Allen Hamilton co-hosted their 2nd Annual Directed Energy Summit. This year’s event identified advantages DE systems will provide to America’s warfighters and addressed the best path forward to operationalize emerging DE capabilities.

Report Release — Extended Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age: Geopolitics, Proliferation, and the Future of U.S. Security Commitments

Ever since the early days of the Cold War, extended nuclear deterrence has been one of the most important but challenging aspects of American strategy. During the past 25 years, however, many of the extended deterrence dilemmas that preoccupied U.S. policymakers in the past ceased to be a major source of concern.