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Directed Energy Summit 2016

Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) and Booz Allen are pleased to announce our second annual DE Summit in Washington DC on June 23, 2016. Our first of its kind DE Summit in 2015 brought together 350 attendees, including members of Congress, Department of Defense decision makers, and industry leaders, to explore issues and solutions related to fielding future DE capabilities.

Rethinking Armageddon Planning Scenarios For The Second Nuclear Age

Please join Dr. Andrew Krepinevich and Jacob Cohn for a scenario-based assessment of the competitive dynamics of the Second Nuclear Age. The assessment explores, among other things, the implications for extended deterrence, crisis stability, missile defense, prompt conventional global strike, growing multipolar or “n-player competitions, and planning assumptions as they have been influenced by advances in the cognitive sciences, to include prospect theory.

Winning The Airwaves: Sustaining America’s Advantage In The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments will release its latest report Winning The Airwaves: Sustaining America's Advantage In The Electromagnetic Spectrum on Wednesday December 2, 2015 at 9:00 AM. The release will be held in the House Visitors Center (Room HVC 201) in the U.S. Capital Visitor Center.

Directed Energy Summit Featured in Aviation Week

On July 28th the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and Booz Allen Hamilton co-hosted the first Directed Energy Summit, which brought together senior leaders from Congress, the Department of Defense, and industry to discuss the need to initiate new DE weapons programs. The Summit was covered extensively in the August 17–30 edition of Aviation Week & Space Technology in a five-article feature highlighting the event's major takeaways as well as speaker revelations on DE technologies including laser, railgun, and microwave weapons.

Directed Energy Summit

Please join Booz Allen and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment (CSBA) at the Directed Energy Summit to explore new issues and solutions related to fielding directed energy (DE) and related capabilities. The Summit will address emerging threats and identify new advantages for warfighters.