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The Center Cannot Hold: Continuity and Change in Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy

Hal Brands and Colin Kahl make the characteristic argument that Trump’s approach to the world — resting on economic nationalism, extreme homeland security, amoral transactionalism, and aloof militarism — may undermine American leadership in the international system over time. Elizabeth Saunders similarly describes a Potemkin-like approach to foreign policy that slowly erodes the pillars of American power.

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Can-do, never-say-no culture undermines Navy readiness, review says

One way forward would be to begin rewarding officers for prudent decisions in putting the brakes on deployments of ill-prepared surface ships, said Bryan Clark, a senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, D.C., and a former strategic planner for the Navy.

“Right now what happens is decisions on whether to say no to a particular deployment generally rise all the way to the level of the chief of naval operations,” Clark said.

“Because people don’t want to go and tell CNO, hey, I can’t do this, below that level the can-do attitude sort of persists,” he said.

Such decisions should perhaps be pushed down to the fleet-forces command level where an officer has enough seniority to be able to stand up and say no but is still close enough to a readiness problem to directly understand it, he said…

“In theory it’s a great idea, but in practice it’s probably infeasible,” said Jan van Tol, who retired as a captain from the Navy in 2007 after a career that included command of three warships

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CSBA’s Gunzinger on the Future of US Military Force Planning

Mark “Gonzo” Gunzinger, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, discusses “Force Planning for the Era of Great Power Competition,” a new CSBA report he co-authored with Bryan Clark, David Johnson and Jesse Sloman, during an October 2017 interview with the Defense & Aerospace Report. The interview was conducted at the think tank’s Washington headquarters.

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Readiness Lapses that Led to McCain, Fitzgerald Collisions Were Years in the Making

In 2010, the People’s Liberation Army Navy began operating at a greater pace and further afield than in any time in their recent history, which prompted the U.S. Navy to pour more assets into the Western Pacific, Bryan Clark, a naval analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and former aide to retired former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert, told USNI News.

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LNG Surges

Timothy Walton, a senior analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said LNG is part of a broader trend of transitioning to cleaner fuels in the industry.

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7th Fleet in Pacific Has Its Own Personnel Issues

“The morale in 7th Fleet has gone down, based on command surveys over the last few years, and it’s gone down noticeably,” said Bryan Clark, a senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington and a former strategic planner for the Navy.