Interview with Bryan Clark: Congress expected to finalize defense cuts
In an interview with Scott Maucione of Federal News Radio, Bryan Clark explained how the Defense Department will be affected by the fiscal shortfall it is facing and described the steps it can take to minimize the impact of of reduced spending levels.
Senate Panel Explores Speed of U.S. Military Technology, Weapons Development
The staggering rate of change and the unacceptable time it takes the Pentagon to introduce weapon systems is leading to “a steady erosion of U.S. technological superiority” over peer competitors and non-state actors such as the Islamic State. Those were consensus views at a Tuesday hearing on the future of warfare before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The U.S. Navy’s Robotic Undersea Future
The U.S. Navy’s fleet of Seawolf and Virginia-class attack submarines are by far the most advanced vessel of their kind in the world, however new technologies are emerging that might change their role for ever.
Who Will Fight the Next War?
Cruising a Walmart in Clayton County, Georgia, with Sergeant Russell Haney of US Army recruiting, it would be easy to think most Americans are aching to serve Uncle Sam. Almost every teenager or 20-something he hails, in his cheery Tennessee drawl, amid the mounds of plastic buckets and cut-price tortilla chips, appears tempted by his offer. Lemeanfa, a 19-year-old former football star, says he is halfway sold on it; Dseanna, an 18-year-old shopper, says she is too, provided she won’t have to go to war. Serving in the coffee shop, Archel and Lily, a brother and sister from the US Virgin Islands, listen greedily to the education, training and other benefits the recruiting sergeant reels off. “You don’t want a job, you want a career!” he tells them, as a passer-by thrusts a packet of cookies into his hands, to thank him for his service.
Interview with Mark Gunzinger: Northrop Grumman’s USAF Bomber Win
In an interview with Vago Muradian of Defense News, Mark Gunzinger explains that the Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) will fill a critical capability gap for the Air Force and anchor a future family of systems that will give the United States the ability to strike any future global target.
Russian bombers buzz carrier Reagan amid exercise
The carrier Ronald Reagan scrambled four armed F/A-18 Hornets Tuesday to intercept two incoming Russian bombers in a startling low altitude pass by 7th Fleet's aircraft carrier.