Obama Vetoes Defense Budget — Now It’s Time for a Showdown with Congress
On Thursday, President Barack Obama vetoed the $612 billion National Defense Authorization Act, the law that funds the Pentagon for the 2016 fiscal year. Nestled among the long list of defense and foreign policy projects funded by the bill is the European Reassurance Initiative, which — as its name suggests — signals the United States' renewed commitment to reassure NATO members that Washington will help preserve their territorial integrity, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, where fears of Russian aggressiveness run high.
Defense Analysts Explain Real Cost of Nuclear Forces
The United States is facing an increasingly constrained fiscal environment, with the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA) placing mandatory limits on spending. At the same time, all three legs of the U.S. nuclear triad—land-based, sea-based, and airborne—are due for extensive modernization.
CNO: South China Sea patrols are not provocative
Driving U.S. warships near China's artificial archipelago is a routine operation and shouldn't be seen as provocative, the U.S. Navy's top officer said Thursday.
Old Budget System Makes Modernizing Nuclear Defense Difficult
The need to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal is inevitable, but modernization of Major Force Programs for budget projections needs to come first, said panelists at The Heritage Foundation this month.
Turkey Angers the Jihadists It Once Tolerated
With Turkish authorities now singling out the Islamic State as the chief suspect in this weekend's terrorist attack in Ankara, many media outlets have turned their anger toward the government. Did Ankara invite this attack with a lax policy toward jihadists in Syria?
Interview with Bryan Clark: With Warships, U.S. Navy Challenges China’s Man-Made Islands
Bryan Clark describes Chinese land reclamation activities in the South China Sea and explores their diplomatic and military repercussions.