Air Force May Cut 10,000 Airmen if Budget Cuts Return
The Air Force is the smallest it's ever been, but it may have to cut 10,000 more airmen if budget cuts return, an Air Force two-star said.
49 Key Lawmakers Want to Boost Navy Shipbuilding Plan
More ships and predictable budgets are top priorities for two leading lawmakers assigned to chair the House and Senate seapower subcommittees that oversee the Navy and Marine Corps.
Keeping Faith With The Troops: How Congress Can Fix The Military’s Compensation Problems
Keeping faith with the troops means more than protecting the existing compensation system. It means ensuring our military remains the best trained and equipped force in the world. Breaking faith with the troops is sending them into battle understaffed, undertrained, or with inferior equipment.
U.S. Military Stretched by Strategic Demands That Outpace Budget
President Barack Obama's $534.3 billion spending request for the Defense Department, a 7.7 percent increase, comes amid warnings of a growing gap between what the military is asked to do and the funding needed to do it.
Navy Plans to Add 5,600 Sailors in 2016
The Navy plans to hire more sailors in 2016, but questions about future manpower levels and other issues remain.
US Budget Request Will Change Drastically, Experts Say
The $585 billion fiscal year 2016 defense budget request — so painstakingly sculpted by White House and Pentagon before being sent to Capitol Hill this week — will likely die a long, complicated death as it winds its way through the congressional committees, analysts say.