Military Compensation Reform: A New Way of Thinking
Tomorrow, the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission is due to release its final report and recommendations to Congress. CSBA has been at the leading edge of this issue. Todd Harrison’s 2012 report, Rebalancing Military Compensation: An Evidence-Based Approach, provided a new way of thinking about compensation reform that was the basis for the survey of military personnel conducted by the commission.
Peeling the Onion Back on the Pentagon’s Special Operations Budget
The U.S. special operations budget has been seen as one of the most stable parts of the Defense Department’s $560 billion budget in recent years.
Members Poised to Shred Experts’ Report on Military Pay, Benefits
Starting this week, a long-simmering fight over pay and benefits for U.S. military personnel will boil over. And it could stay hot for years.
Is America’s Dominance Below the Seas Coming to an End?
U.S. defense strategy depends in large part on America’s advantage in undersea warfare. Multiple Quadrennial Defense Reviews, National Military Strategies, and Congressional hearing statements highlight how quiet submarines, in particular, are one of the American military’s most viable means of gathering intelligence and projecting power in the face of mounting anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) threats being fielded by a growing number of countries.
Will Congress Act on Military Pay and Benefits?
Lawmakers are vowing to approach a long-awaited commission report on military pay and benefits with open minds, but skepticism is already growing that Congress will do much — if anything — to act on the commission’s recommended reforms.
Will Russia’s Sub-Building Boom Matter?
The Russian Navy's submarine force is on a roll. Four different kinds of submarines are under construction and more are coming. The country expects to lay down five new nuclear submarines in 2015.