What’s Next: USAF Lays Groundwork To Replace Fighter, Tanker Fleets
As US Air Force leaders gather this week outside of Washington, they bring a warning: Potential adversaries are spending big on technology, and the US can’t afford to fall behind.
War on ISIS Not Likely to Reverse Downward Military Budgets
The Obama administration’s funding request for upcoming military operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is still in the works. Several billion dollars will be needed to step up airstrikes, deploy 475 additional U.S. advisors to Iraq, and support Kurdish, Iraqi and Syrian rebels on the ground.
CSBA: Pentagon Needs to Rethink Readiness Measurements to Allow Smarter Spending
The Defense Department won’t be able to make smart decisions about how much money it needs to produce a certain level of combat readiness until it begins collecting the right data in a scientific way, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments senior fellow Todd Harrison said Tuesday.
Defense Spending Drop Could Total $1T in 10 Years
Todd Harrison, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, has projected the defense spending drop to reach $1 trillion over 10 years if sequestration stays in place, Government Executive reported Thursday.
ISIL Strike Fees Add Up on Cash Strapped Pentagon
The United States has pledged to destroy Islamic State extremists operating in Iraq and Syria, but experts maintain that America's cash-strapped military shouldn't expect any extra money to fight this new foe.
Military Operations and the Shrinking Defense Budget