The Most Terrifying Lesson of World War I: War Is Not Always “Short and Sharp”
Why nations like China, the United States, Russia and others should look back to the Great War for perhaps the most important reason of all.
America Can’t Pay for Its Wars, Analysis Says
America can no longer afford all of its wars and military adventures abroad.
2015 Budget Insufficient for Defense Strategy
A defense budget analyst with a prominent Washington think tank said the U.S. defense budget proposal for 2015 is too small to execute the declared U.S. defense strategy.
Ex-U.S. Defense Officials See Danger in Slashing Pentagon Budgets
Former top U.S. defense officials sounded an alarm over falling Pentagon spending on Thursday, warning that budget cuts had undermined military preparedness for future conflicts and were jeopardizing the U.S. leadership position in the world.
Analyst: ‘We Don’t Know’ How Much Combat Readiness Has Fallen
The readiness of American troops for combat could be “worse than most people think,” according to a top budget analyst.
DoD’s Spending Plan Does Not Support It’s Strategy
Budget guru Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments is holding his latest briefing on the defense budget this morning, and we got a sneak peek at the report he'll be unveiling. The takeaway: The Pentagon's spending plan doesn't match its long-term strategy.