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Defense Cuts Conundrum: Weighing the Hard Choices Ahead

Defense strategy is ultimately about making choices, which in peacetime often manifest themselves as decisions about the defense budget. As the budget gets squeezed, these choices become more difficult, and the current strategy may have to be modified or even abandoned. Yet without resource constraints, strategy would be unnecessary -- the military could simply throw more money at all its problems. Limited resources thus create the need for strategy, and as resources become more constrained, strategy becomes more important. The key strategic choice facing the Pentagon now is one of timing: whether to prioritize today’s military or tomorrow’s. Given the budget drawdown currently under way, the Pentagon cannot afford to do both -- it cannot get everything it wants.

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Pentagon to Slow 2014 Spending As Cuts Loom

The Pentagon plans to slow spending in anticipation that federal defense spending caps will remain in place throughout 2014, a senior US Defense Department official said.

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DOD Begins QDR Without Red Team, Increasing Attention On NDP

The Defense Department has not created a "red team" to challenge assumptions and analysis in the Quadrennial Defense Review, fueling speculation that it might instead seek critiques from a congressionally chartered panel that will assess the QDR as it unfolds.

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Defense Firms Brace for Hard Hit

Todd Harrison, a senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, suggested the defense industry will be a bit more insulated than the Pentagon in event of a shutdown, especially if it's only for a short period.

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AirSea Battle Starts to Add Substance to Concept

Navy and Air Force personnel with the AirSea Battle office are in the early phases of putting some substance to the concept the two services have trotted out before Congress since the announcement of the Pacific Pivot two years ago/.../