Being ‘Army Strong’ Gets Weak Backing With Obama’s Strategy
The Army is coming out of a decade of war beat up and strapped for cash/.../ After spending huge amounts of money on equipment to fight terrorists, the Army has none to truly modernize itself with new core platforms such as attack helicopters and battle tanks/.../
Sequestration Could Be Left To Lame-Duck U.S. Congress
Between now and Jan. 2, when automatic spending cuts are set to slash up to $54 billion from the Pentagon’s 2013 budget, there is only one date that truly matters: Nov. 6, Election Day.
China’s Military Rise: A Rare Look Inside the World’s Biggest Military Expansion
/…/That China is rapidly modernising its armed forces is not in doubt, though there is disagreement about what the true spending figure is. China’s defence budget has almost certainly experienced double digit growth for two decades. According to SIPRI, a research institute, annual defence spending rose from over $30 billion in 2000 to almost $120 billion in 2010. SIPRI usually adds about 50% to the official figure that China gives for its defence spending, because even basic military items such as research and development are kept off budget. Including those items would imply total military spending in 2012, based on the latest announcement from Beijing, will be around $160 billion/… /
Six Bidders Begin Slugging Out Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Competition
A field of six industry competitors has officially begun to compete for one of the last major vehicle modernization contracts left in the wake of the Army's approaching era of declining resources: The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle/.../
Study: AF Lacks Stealth Aircraft to Fight China
The Air Force does not have enough stealth aircraft to wage an effective air campaign against China or North Korea, according to a recent study by the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank in Washington/.../
Lawmakers: U.S. Air Force Numbers Lack Credibility
Three years ago, then-U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that he was recommending Congress approve the termination or truncation of 33 programs.