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Counterterrorism Efforts and the Defense Budget

Todd Harrison, a defense budget senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, talked about the parts of the Pentagon’s budget that will fund counterterrorism efforts against Islamic State militants.


Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Islamic State — What should Obama do?

Unrest in Ukraine, and Islamic State militants in Iraq have dominated news coverage for the past three months.CSBA Distinguished Fellow Eric Edelman goes on PBS NewsHour to discuss the the Obama administration’s response to these challenges.


Maintaining the Relevance of the Future Carrier Air Wing

On July 16, I had the honor of testifying before the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces on the issue of requirements for the US Navy’s Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) aircraft. Over the past month, debate within the Department of Defense (DoD) on the future of the UCLASS program has intensified and has now reached a culminating point. This week, senior Pentagon officials will meet to decide whether to proceed with a program focused on developing an aircraft optimized for conducting intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions in low-to-medium threat environments, or to revert to the original intent of the program – producing a carrier-based aircraft capable of conducting both ISR and strike missions in the high threat, anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) environments anticipated for the 2020s. In response to my testimony, a congressman posed a question germane to the upcoming DoD deliberations on UCLASS: “Since the Navy and OSD/Joint Staff vetted the UCLASS requirements, has additional information come to light to warrant a change to those requirements at this stage of the acquisition process?”


How to Respond to ISIS

CSBA Vice President Jim Thomas weighs in on the escalating situation in Iraq and the U.S. options for responding.