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A Budget Report to Check Out

In May when the Trump administration sent a 2018 budget proposal to Congress, senior Pentagon officials said not to expect a large military buildup — the kind Trump talked about on the campaign trail — until 2019. So what does the military want to buy with the $125 billion it asked lawmakers to approve for new weapons and equipment? A new report by Katherine Blakeley of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, examines just that, and how the procurement accounts stack up against budgets in recent years.


Why Beating Islamic State Could Start a Crisis with Iran

The U.S. is rapidly heading down the path of confrontation with a rogue-state adversary, a potential foe that has proved rational yet ruthless in pursuit of its interests, including the aggressive development of its nuclear program and associated military capabilities. The rogue state this description best fits, however, may not be North Korea, but Iran.

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Mark Gunzinger: Upgrading nation’s aging nuclear arsenal

Military planners are hard at work on what they say are badly needed upgrades to the nation’s aging nuclear arsenal. A new bomber, new submarines and new intercontinental ballistic missiles – all under development contracts. Still undecided is whether the U.S. will develop a new air-launched cruise missile. For more on that program, we turn to Mark Gunzinger, analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

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Senate Tees up NDAA Endgame for Monday

TRUMP DELAYS DEFENSE PROCUREMENT BOOST, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments writes via your Morning D correspondent: The Trump administration requested $125.2 billion in procurement funding for the Pentagon in fiscal 2018, putting off any substantial growth until future years, the CSBA reports.


Analysis of the FY 2018 Defense Budget – Procurement

Although increased capacity and lethality are the second priority of the Pentagon’s PB 2018 budget request behind restoring the readiness of the current force, funding for procurement increases far less than for RDT&E and operation and maintenance accounts (O&M) in real terms.[