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Shell Games at Sea: A Resilient Force Structure Component for Modern Maritime Competition

On October 6 2020, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper debuted Battle Force 2045. As foundational elements of U.S. naval force design, Secretary Esper emphasized the importance of very long-range precision fires in volume, while also ensuring naval forces continue to operate at the forward edge of American interests. The U.S. Navy has an opportunity to immediately use existing ship types that are currently fielded in large numbers as manned auxiliary-strike platforms, while leveraging ongoing investments and technology maturation in the commercial shipping world for future unmanned naval platforms. The Navy can become a fast-follower, leveraging these investments and technology developments to rapidly field a future autonomous auxiliary-strike platform as a key part of a future unmanned naval force structure.


Aiki in the South China Sea: Fresh Asymmetric Approaches and Sea Lane Vulnerabilities

Over the last decade, stability in the South China Sea (SCS) has progressively deteriorated because of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) actions. China’s leadership has followed a long-term, multi-pronged strategy. On the military front they have constructed a “Great Wall of Sand”1 through island building, deployed an underwater “Great Wall of Sensors;”2 and completed detailed planning and preparations to establish air defense identification zones3(ADIZ) in the SCS. Despite assurances from the highest levels of the CCP leadership, they have militarized islands in the SCS,4 deployed bombers to the Paracels5 and built up military forces in the region.6 Diplomatically, the CCP has ignored international legal rulings, continued to assert sovereignty over disputed territories,7 and sought to dissuade, protest, and prevent Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS).8 On the commercial front, the CCP has encouraged its large fishing fleet to overfish within other states’ exclusive economic zones (EEZs).9 When confronted, they have often harassed local fisherman and even purposely collided with them, leading to sinking vessels.10


The Future of Air Warfare: Evolutionary Symbiotic Enhancement with a Virtual Second-Seater

The recent DARPA AlphaDogfight Trials (ADT) were an impressive display of both technology and competition in support of advancing American airpower. As part of a broader DARPA technology and experimentation effort called Air Combat Evolution (ACE), in just over a year, the ADT has pushed the state-of-the-art for the use of agent-based modeling and artificial intelligence () applications to air warfare. Much of the initial reporting and commentary about ADT focused on the unambiguous final result when AI defeated the human pilot in each of their five dogfights. Here, as in the past, when such a decisive result occurs, some herald it as the end of an era and the dawn of a new one, like the shift from cavalry to tanks. Conversely, skeptics highlight the unrealistic conditions that applied to the test, such as the fact that the ADT used “perfect” data during the scenario conditions, a fact that any experienced pilot or controller would identify as unrealistic. In the ADT, this meant that a kill was adjudicated by reaction time in close quarters, which gives a significant inherent advantage to the AI These artificialities aside, DARPA appropriately chose a technically challenging but simplified tactical problem for this cutting-edge experimentation in air warfare. What then should we learn from the experiment?


Statistics in pursuit of social justice

Data skills are in demand.  E-commerce, advertising and artificial intelligence companies are willing to pay substantial sums for statistical knowhow.  But statisticians can do more than make their mark in business.  They can have real impact on people’s lives.


Trump’s Quick Fix Approach to Iran Nuclear Deal Creates Untenable Policy Dilemma

President Trump’s latest quick-fix approach to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program creates an untenable policy dilemma. Because the deal sacrificed significant U.S. leverage upfront, right now there is currently little Congress can accomplish singlehandedly in trying to strengthen it, and much the administration would place at risk in abruptly leaving it.


The Chinese Century?

No one can say we didn’t see it coming. Since the end of the Cold War, and even before, it has been obvious that a rapidly rising China could eventually menace America’s position and influence in East Asia—and, perhaps, globally as well.