
"Nobody does defense policy better than CSBA. Their work on strategic and budgetary topics manages to combine first-rate quality and in-depth research with timeliness and accessibility—which is why so many professionals consider their products indispensable." – Gideon Rose, Editor of Foreign Affairs, 2010-2021

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CSBA 2018 Annual Report

CSBA’s mission is to develop innovative, resource-informed defense concepts, promote public debate, and spur action to advance U.S. and allied interests. Our vision is to set the terms of debate for the future of national defense and drive change in concept development, force structure, and resources to prepare the US and its allies to compete and win in an era characterized by great power competition and conflict.


National Security Contributions of the U.S. Maritime Industry

The United States has always been a maritime nation. Since its founding, Americans have taken to the sea for trade, to harvest the resources in America’s waters and seabed, and to defend or advance the country’s interests. A robust commercial maritime industry is essential to support these efforts, which enhance America’s prosperity and security.


The European Deterrence Initiative

It is far from smooth sailing for the European Deterrence Initiative (EDI) as it confronts risks to the way in which it is funded. This brief seeks to explain why the EDI was started, what it funds, and the budgetary challenges it faces to its implementation and sustainment.


Regaining the High Ground at Sea: Transforming the U.S. Navy’s Carrier Air Wing for Great Power Competition

REGAINING THE HIGH GROUND AT SEA examines trends in U.S. strategy, capabilities, and threats between now and 2040 to describe the operational concepts carrier aircraft will likely need to use in the future, as well as the implications for how carrier air wings should evolve during the next 20 years.