Hard Corps: Marine’s ‘Expeditionary Force 21′ To Be ‘Fast, Austere, & Lethal,’ And Expensive
In a move with major implications for the defense budget, defense contractors, and inter-service politics, the Marine Corps is set to publish a new “capstone concept” — leaked to Breaking Defense – that will guide the entire service for the next decade. From the title on, Expeditionary Force 21 paints an emphatic, uncompromising picture of a future Marine Corps that is “expeditionary… fast, austere, and lethal,” from equipment to training to the mindset of every single Marine. The concept
Ryan Budget Calls for Return to Pre-Sequester Defense Spending
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan laid out a budget vision Tuesday that goes beyond President Obama’s request by ramping up defense spending beyond the caps in 2016 and restoring them by 2017.
The Secret ‘Family’ of the Long Range Strike Bomber
The Air Force wants its secret Long Range Strike bomber to be only part of a “family of systems” that will enhance its ability to hold any target at risk — but don’t expect to meet the relatives anytime soon.
Drones Will Change War—and More
America's decade of misbegotten war in the early 21st century will be remembered for many things, but when it comes to technology, the rise of the drone will stand out. When America invaded Iraq in 2003, it had a couple of hundred; by the time it left, it had almost 10,000.
The Obama Doctrine: When Does Caution Become Retreat?
The juxtaposition of recent images was jarring: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel unveiling a defense budget that substantially shrinks the U.S. Army, while insisting that “after Iraq and Afghanistan, we are no longer sizing the military to conduct long and large stability operations.” And then there were the images of masked Russian troops seizing Crimea and threatening to carve apart Ukraine with naked aggression.
Vladimir Putin: The Untouchable Leader
Experts question whether Obama can and should put the elusive Russian president directly in his sights.