Four Think Tanks Come Up with a DoD Spending Plan
There's no shortage of think tanks in Washington. One of their favorite topics is the Defense Department — what it should do, and how much it should spend on what.
Think Tank Analysts Propose Increased Air Force Investments, Army Cuts
Teams of experts at four Washington think tanks, when unveiling "alternatives" to the Pentagon's fiscal year 2015 budget and Quadrennial Defense Review on Wednesday, called for major cuts to the Army while increasing investments in the Air Force.
Pentagon Drops Plan to Mothball USS George Washington Aircraft Carrier
The Pentagon has dropped a plan to retire one of its nuclear-powered aircraft carriers after the White House intervened to head off a brewing political fight.
Analysts: U.S. Should Cut Carriers, Buy Subs and Work with Allies
It’s hard to find consensus on most anything in Washington D.C., but four national security-focused think tanks managed to forge something of a rough outline for the future of defense spending.
Four Think Tanks, One Defense Budget
It’s no surprise that CSBA, CSIS, AEI and CNAS all agreed to cut the Army’s end strength as part of their budget drill. There seems to be fairly broad consensus on that point in Washington (outside of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno’s office). But some of the teams’ other choices, which were unveiled yesterday at a well-attended event on Capitol Hill, were more surprising.
Cut Carriers To Save Subs, Cyber From Sequester, Thinktanks Say
THE WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM, CA. 2025: “Where are the carriers?”