Cuts in U.S. Defense Spending Force Hard Strategic Choices
Big budget cuts over the next decade will force the Pentagon to make painful cuts to personnel and readiness and could make it hard to execute a global security strategy, defense analysts predicted on Wednesday.
Think Tanks Project Force Structure, Strategy Under Continued Sequestration
Four of the nation’s top national security think tanks projected what kind of forces and strategy the U.S. military could sustain if sequestration remains in full effect for the next decade, and the results were chilling.
Platform, Personnel Cuts Likely in FY ‘15 Air Force Budget
This close to the March 4 submission of the fiscal 2015 budget request, getting specifics from service officials can be like pulling teeth. But a number of statements, both in public appearances and during interviews, provide a sense of direction for the Air Force’s plans.
Panel Recommends Reducing Active-Duty Air Force
A cash-strapped Air Force needs to shift some personnel from its active-duty force to the less-expensive Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, a high-level panel recommended Thursday morning during congressional hearings in Washington D.C.
Don’t Be Fooled: Military Benefits Are on the Chopping Block
Score one for the veterans groups who demanded Congress go back on its plan to cut $6 billion out of military pensions.
The Navy’s Carrier Crunch: Even Without Budget Cuts, Deployments Will Drop
The Navy’s in a carrier crunch. US commanders around the world keep asking for carriers to cover trouble spots from Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan to the Western Pacific and the South China Sea, but the Navy doesn’t have enough to go around. And they may well lose another.