Odierno: Army Reviewing Missile Defense Portfolio As Importance Rises
The Army is conducting a complete review of its missile defense portfolio to see how the service can meet requirements in the Asia Pacific region and around the world, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno said.
Strategic Threats Roundtable
On April 28, CSBA Vice President Jim Thomas joined an expert panel on This Week in Defense to discuss future strategic threats facing the United States,Washington's renewed focus on Asia, how to deal with nations that have weapons of mass destruction, and learning the right lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Returning to the Land or Turning Toward the Sea? India’s Role in America’s Pivot
China is pushing the U.S. and India closer. Are they focusing on the wrong set of challenges?
Slowed Defense Spending Creating Drag On Economy
/.../Defense procurement reached its height in 2008 at nearly $400 billion for the year, and it has fallen steadily since. Last year, contract awards dropped 15 percent below the peak, after adjusting for inflation.
Could Hagel’s Strategic Review Become The Quadrennial Defense Review?
As Pentagon leaders prepare for two major reviews this year, some officials are beginning to wonder where Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's strategic choices and management review (SCMR) will end and where the Quadrennial Defense Review might begin -- and whether the two efforts could become one/.../
Congress Makes It Harder for DoD to Cut Costs
The Pentagon long has battled with Congress over politically sensitive spending cuts. But this year, military officials say Congress' refusal to retire ships and aircraft means the Navy and Air Force are spending roughly $5 billion more than they would if they were allowed to make the cuts. In some cases Congress restored funds to compensate for the changes, but the result overall was lost savings/.../