Pentagon Budgeting: Calendar Daze
Wednesday is the day the Pentagon rolls out its budget proposal for the coming 2014 fiscal year, which will begin Oct. 1.
Obama Seeks Smaller Defense Cuts; Budget Likely DOA
President Barack Obama will seek smaller cuts to the military when he releases his 2014 budget on Wednesday, though the request is probably dead on arrival in Congress/.../
What’s Missing From the Pentagon’s Budget? A Reality Check
Call it the budget of denial. The Obama administration’s $526.6 billion Pentagon budget request for the 2014 fiscal year arrived two months late and $52 billion over the spending caps. The White House insists that its wider plan for taxes and spending, released today, will make further deep cuts at Defense unnecessary. But if President Obama and congressional Republicans fail to cut a deal—odds are they won’t—come October, the Pentagon will be scrambling once again to find many billions more in savings. It’s still trying to find the $41 billion it has to cut this year/.../
Hagel: Budget Gives Military Flexibility for Korea
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel released a $526 billion Pentagon budget Wednesday amid a climate of fiscal uncertainty, but he said the United States was prepared to respond if a conflict breaks out on the Korean Peninsula where tensions are running high/.../
2014 Defense Budget Forecast: More of the Same
As details emerge on the Obama administration’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2014, it is safe to predict that the Defense Department and its contractors will continue to live in crisis mode for the foreseeable future.
Pay, Benefits, O&M Will Swallow Entire DoD Budget by 2024
A new analysis finds that due to the combined effects of capped topline budgets and internal cost growth inside the Pentagon, within the next 10 years, the vast majority of DoD's budget will be swallowed up by just two budget categories: military personnel and operations and maintenance.