Russian Bomber Roulette
A Russian bomber recently carried out simulated cruise missile attacks on U.S. missile defenses in Asia, raising new questions about Moscow’s goal in future U.S.-Russian defense talks.
Defense ‘Fog Bank’ Clouds Crisis Solution
The defense establishment is staring into a “fog bank” as it tries to tackle the major problems with affording the force and the weapons the Defense Department needs over the next decade, a top defense budget analyst warned Friday.
Defense Chief Proposes Major Spending Changes
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Wednesday his intent to "reform and reshape" the military -- from paying personnel to buying weapons -- to deal with deep budget cuts the Pentagon faces.
Chuck Hagel’s ‘First Supper’
As the new U.S. secretary of defense turns his attention to the defense industrial base, he should reach out to leaders of companies that provide our armed forces with the equipment required to underwrite national security. A good way could be by breaking bread in a collegial group gathered to consider the future of democracy’s arsenal.
Air Wing To Be Idled Fridays
The Air Force Reserve 445th Airlift Wing, which flies troop and cargo missions around the globe from Wright-Patterson, will shut down operations on Fridays when civilian employee furloughs begin, according to unit leaders/.../
Wishful Spending
There is a growing sense among defense-budget watchers that the U.S. military and its political masters are pretending the shave the armed forces just got from sequestration’s blade isn’t going to lead to decapitation in what Pentagon dweebs like to call the “out-years,” and what normal folks call the “future.”