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The Future of America’s Nuclear Deterrent

America’s strategic nuclear deterrent is nearing a crossroads. On one hand, the size, shape and purpose of the U.S. nuclear arsenal are all up for debate. For over two decades Washington has been shedding excess weapons that were a legacy of the Cold War. Senior officials today are also much more concerned with proliferation and the possibility of nuclear terrorism than great-power brinkmanship or the prospect of a massive nuclear exchange. The confluence of declining defense budgets and looming recapitalization costs has made nuclear programs a potential target for funding cuts.


Precision Strike: An Evolution

Since the 1991 Persian Gulf War, precision strike weapons systems have become ever more central to the American way of war.


Pentagon’s Future Goes from Bad to Worse in Fiscal 2014

In this radio interview on the Federal News Radio, Todd Harrison offers a defense budget forecast for fiscal 2014 and discusses the near-term vs long term-dichotomy that the Pentagon faces as it articulates a strategy for dealing with the declining budgets.