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Analysis of the SCMR Options and DoD Forecast

Todd Harrison, joins a roundtable of experts on This Week in Defense with Vago Muradian to discuss the impact of automatic defense cuts on readiness and programs, the Pentagon's strategic reviews and the outlook for Afghanistan.


Drive to Reform the DoD

A roundtable discussion with Robert O. Work, CEO, the Center for a New American Security; Jim Thomas, Vice President & Director of Studies, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; Mackenzie Eaglen, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; and Clark Murdock, Senior Adviser Defense and National Security Group and Director of the Project on Nuclear Issues, Center for Strategic and International Studies; on the results and implications of the Pentagon's recently completed Strategic Choices and Management Review and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's drive to reform DoD.


A Blockbuster Quarter for Defense Companies

Center for Strategic and Budget Assessments Senior Fellow Todd Harrison discusses defense company earnings and the impact of the sequester with Scarlet Fu on Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers."


By Land and By Sea: Balanced Forces for a Complex Region

Protecting U.S. interests in the Middle East has never been easy, but recent developments have made it only harder. Iran’s buildup of missile forces and its pursuit of a nuclear capability have destabilized the region. The Arab Spring led to the ouster of key allies in Egypt and Yemen and weakened the Bahraini monarchy. And cuts to the defense budget will leave the United States with fewer resources to meet its security commitments.


Fourth of July Fireworks Cancelled Thanks to Federal Budget Cuts

This year, because of Washington, D.C. dysfunction and the failure of the president and Congress, Democrats and Republicans, to arrive at a budget compromise, there will be no fireworks for the children at several military bases, from Hawaii to North Carolina/.../


Telling Hard Truths: Budget Cuts Are Coming; Protect Crown Jewels

In August 2011, the Budget Control Act was signed into law and sequestration quickly became a buzzword in Washington. Facing the prospect of $500 billion in defense cuts over the next decade, the Department of Defense (DoD) has spent the past two years moving through the classic five stages of grief.