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Strategic Threats Roundtable

On April 28, CSBA Vice President Jim Thomas joined an expert panel on This Week in Defense to discuss future strategic threats facing the United States,Washington's renewed focus on Asia, how to deal with nations that have weapons of mass destruction, and learning the right lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan.


Why the U.S. Army Needs Missiles: A New Mission to Save the Service

Traditionally, the core purpose of the U.S. Army has been to fight and win the United States' wars. Since World War II, this has meant planning for overseas operations to defend friendly countries against invasion, seize and hold territory, and overthrow despotic regimes. But the protracted counterinsurgency campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, like the one in Vietnam a generation earlier, marked a departure from the army's preferred way of war. Today, with U.S. forces out of Iraq and leaving Afghanistan, an intense debate is under way about what kind of army the United States needs.


How Can We Save Money On Troops’ Pay And Benefits? Let’s Ask The Troops

Defense and entitlements. That’s how Washington has tried to define the debates over cutting federal spending, as if the two inhabited entirely distinct spheres. Yet, the Pentagon is dealing with an entitlements problem of its own, one that threatens to consume the defense budget if unchecked.


Chuck Hagel’s ‘First Supper’

As the new U.S. secretary of defense turns his attention to the defense industrial base, he should reach out to leaders of companies that provide our armed forces with the equipment required to underwrite national security. A good way could be by breaking bread in a collegial group gathered to consider the future of democracy’s arsenal.