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Shell Games at Sea: A Resilient Force Structure Component for Modern Maritime Competition

On October 6 2020, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper debuted Battle Force 2045. As foundational elements of U.S. naval force design, Secretary Esper emphasized the importance of very long-range precision fires in volume, while also ensuring naval forces continue to operate at the forward edge of American interests. The U.S. Navy has an opportunity to immediately use existing ship types that are currently fielded in large numbers as manned auxiliary-strike platforms, while leveraging ongoing investments and technology maturation in the commercial shipping world for future unmanned naval platforms. The Navy can become a fast-follower, leveraging these investments and technology developments to rapidly field a future autonomous auxiliary-strike platform as a key part of a future unmanned naval force structure.

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Battle Force 2045: The U.S. Navy’s Bold Plan for a 500-Ship Fleet

On Tuesday, speaking at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper unveiled a U.S. Navy force design titled “Battle Force 2045.” Administration policy and the law of the land require the navy to construct a 355-ship fleet, up from just under 300 today. If properly funded and executed, Secretary Esper’s plan would produce a 355-ship fleet by 2035—but only as an interim step toward a 500-ship fleet in 2045.

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Morning Defense—A 500-Ship Navy

“Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Tuesday outlined a plan to grow the Navy to 500 ships by 2045, a major expansion for the sea service that he says will be paid for by using savings from Pentagon reform efforts,” Seligman reports.

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DEFAERO Report Daily Podcast [Oct 07, 2020]–Latest Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict

On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Amb. Eric Edelman, a former US ambassador to Turkey who is now a counselor at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Amb. John Evans, a former US ambassador to Armenia, and Eugene Rumer, the director of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, discuss the combined Turkish-Azerbaijani assault on the Armenian enclave of Nagorno Karabakh.