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Book Talk:  THE END OF STRATEGIC STABILITY?  Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries by Lawrence Rubin and Adam N. Stulberg, Editors

Join us as Ambassador Eric Edelman, CSBA Counselor, and Rebecca Hersman, Senior Adviser in the International Security Program and Director of the Project on Nuclear Issues at CSIS, discuss this new volume with the editors, Lawrence Rubin and Adam Stulberg of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Strengthening the Defense of NATO’s Eastern Frontier

Our authors offer a new strategy for deterring and, if necessary, defeating Russian aggression against NATO in the Baltic region and make recommendations for enhancing the U.S. forward posture in Europe and improving Poland’s military capabilities and force structure to support this strategy.

Book Talk:  The Lessons of Tragedy by Hal Brands and Charles Edel

Join us at CSBA as two distinguished historians argue that a tragic sensibility is necessary if America and its allies are to address the dangers that menace the international order today. Tragedy may be commonplace, Brands and Edel argue, but it is not inevitable—so long as we regain an appreciation of the world’s tragic nature before it is too late.