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Winning the Invisible War: Gaining an Enduring U.S. Advantage in the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Participating in the release of CSBA’s latest major study, several CSBA scholars and outside experts offered new insights and analysis on the military implications of emerging sensor and communications technologies. CSBA Senior Fellow Bryan Clark, Senior Analyst Whitney Morgan McNamara, and Research Fellow Timothy A. Walton discussed how the growing sophistication of civilian and military electromagnetic spectrum capabilities has resulted in an increasingly congested and contested electromagnetic environment.

CSBA Roundtable with General Luckey

On Monday, November 4, CSBA hosted a seminar with LTG Charles D. Luckey, USAR, Chief of the Army Reserve and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Reserve Command, along with members of the OCAR staff and the Strategic Outreach Chief of the Army Futures Command, John T. Bolger III.  

CSBA Launches Congressional Defense Seminar Series (CDSS)

On Thursday, October 17, CSBA officially launched its inaugural series of seminars designed for Congressional staff members at its Washington Headquarters.  The program featured an opening session for the 16 incoming CDSS Fellows hosted by former Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA), a member of CSBA’s Board of Directors, and attended by members of the CSBA team and outside guests.  Following the reception, CSBA President and CEO Thomas G. Mahnken welcomed the fellows before engaging in a detailed and highly interactive examination of defense strategy and force planning led by Mahnken, together with CSBA Director of Research and Studies Evan Montgomery, and Daniel Chiu of the Institute for Defense Analyses.  Upcoming sessions in the weekly series will cover topics ranging from operational concepts and investment considerations to emerging technologies and coalition strategies.

General Berger Roundtable at CSBA

On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, CSBA hosted a seminar for General David H. Berger, 38th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. General Berger and his team met with CSBA President Thomas Mahnken and CSBA leadership and research staff to discuss the Commandant’s Planning Guidance, recent CSBA work on the maritime domain and the Western Pacific, operational concepts, emerging technologies, and other critical issues facing the Marine Corps and the Department of Defense.

Did Dollars Follow Strategy? A Review of the FY 2020 Defense Budget

On 1 October, the U.S. federal government ushers in its Fiscal Year (FY) 2020. If policymakers approve the $738 billion national defense budget – the amount agreed to by the White House and Congressional leaders in a July 2019 agreement – military spending will have increased in real terms for the fifth consecutive year.

U.S. Missile Options in a Post-INF World

In a new CSBA study on the subject, Leveling the Playing Field: Reintroducing U.S. Theater-Range Missiles in a Post-INF World, authors Jacob Cohn, Timothy A. Walton, Adam Lemon, and Toshi Yoshihara explore the potential strategic and operational contributions of ground-launched theater-range missiles to U.S. defense strategy.