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Winning Without Fighting and Stealing a March

CSBA Senior Fellow Ross Babbage discusses two new CSBA reports on political warfare campaigns by Russia and China as well as Chinese hybrid warfare operations in the Indo-Pacific region. Babbage and CSBA Counselor Eric Edelman discuss the implications of these global challenges for U.S. and its allies, along with key policy recommendations. Discussion moderated by CSBA President and CEO Thomas Mahnken.

SUSTAINING THE FIGHT: Resilient Maritime Logistics for a New Era

Join us on 16 May with Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer and the report’s authors as we discuss CSBA’s new report, Sustaining the Fight: Resilient Maritime Logistics for a New Era. The report that finds that the United States lacks the right maritime logistics force to support the 2018 National Defense Strategy in general and major military operations in a war with China or Russia in particular.

The Changing Nuclear Balance: a Net Assessment

As the modernization of existing nuclear arsenals, the spread of nuclear weapons, and the diffusion of new technologies make the nuclear landscape more complex, the time is ripe for a fresh examination of the nuclear balance. Toward this end, CSBA has been conducting a multi-year net assessment of the changing nuclear balance.