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Iran Needs To Take America Seriously Again

Provocative missile tests. The 'Death to America' slogan. The US needs to respond. The year since the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program was announced has been a strategic windfall for Iran and a disaster for the United States. Many of the deal’s shortcomings were glaring from the beginning, yet they have been magnified by serial and gratuitous U.S. concessions to unilateral Iranian demands.


Undersea Cables and the Future of Submarine Competition

Today, nearly all voice and Internet traffic, including essential military and financial transmissions, travels through undersea fiber-optic cables. Even temporary damage to these lines of communications can have serious consequences, which is why their future security depends on how well nations understand and exploit the next wave of submarine technology.


America’s Nuclear-Deterrence Challenge in Asia

The NATO playbook can help keep South Korea and Japan from pursuing bombs of their own. In the shadow of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke recently about the danger of nuclear proliferation and the dream of a world without nuclear weapons.


CSBA’s “Winning The Salvo Competition: Rebalancing America’s Air and Missile Defense” Part II

Editor David Craig sits down with Mark Gunzinger and Bryan Clark, Senior Fellows at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, to discuss CSBA's new report 'Winning The Salvo Competition: Rebalancing America’s Air And Missile Defenses,' which "includes a discussion of initiatives that could improve our nation’s ability to counter guided weapon salvos that threaten its future ability to project power." The report also "examines the emerging dynamic between militaries that have PGMs and capabilities to counter precision strikes in order to assess promising operational concepts and capabilities for air and missile defense." China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea already possess such weapons, and any assessment of the future threat environment will need to take these systems into account.


CSBA’s “Winning The Salvo Competition: Rebalancing America’s Air and Missile Defense” Part I

Editor David Craig sits down with Mark Gunzinger and Bryan Clark, Senior Fellows at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, to discuss CSBA's new report 'Winning The Salvo Competition: Rebalancing America’s Air And Missile Defenses,' which "includes a discussion of initiatives that could improve our nation’s ability to counter guided weapon salvos that threaten its future ability to project power." The report also "examines the emerging dynamic between militaries that have PGMs and capabilities to counter precision strikes in order to assess promising operational concepts and capabilities for air and missile defense." China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea already possess such weapons, and any assessment of the future threat environment will need to take these systems into account.


The Military and the Academy: Overcoming the Divide

Christopher Sims’ “Academics in Foxholes: The Life and Death of the Human Terrain System” contributes to the ongoing debate about the U.S. military’s performance in Iraq and Afghanistan and, more specifically, the relationship between the U.S. government and the academy. As the authors point out, there is much that both scholars and practitioners can learn from the successes and failures of the Human Terrain System (HTS), which brought together civilian academics and military personnel. Even more broadly, however, the experience reveals much about the relationship between the U.S. armed forces (primarily the army) on the one hand and academic social scientists (primarily anthropologists and sociologists) on the other.