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Navy 2016: Stress, Shortfalls, & The Spectrum

2016 will be challenging for the Navy. At sea the fleet will continue to face demands that exceed its supply of forces, while at home the fiscal 2017 budget is likely to make difficult choices that prioritize high quality over adequate quantity.


Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point

The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are operating today under unsustainable levels of stress because of a fundamental mismatch between the demands placed on them and their supply of ready forces. Both services are striving to establish deployment cycles they can maintain over the long-term, but are unable to stick to them.


Winning the Airwaves: Sustaining America’s Advantage in the Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is one of the most critical domains in modern warfare. While militaries have long used it to communicate, keep track of friendly forces and find and target enemies, emerging technological advances now promise to dramatically change how they will use the EMS in the future. In the same way that smartphones and the Internet are redefining how the world shares, shops, learns and works, new sensors and networking technologies will enable militaries to gain significant new advantages over competitors that fail to keep pace.


Interview with Bryan Clark: Congress expected to finalize defense cuts

In an interview with Scott Maucione of Federal News Radio, Bryan Clark explained how the Defense Department will be affected by the fiscal shortfall it is facing and described the steps it can take to minimize the impact of of reduced spending levels.


Interview with Mark Gunzinger: Northrop Grumman’s USAF Bomber Win

In an interview with Vago Muradian of Defense News, Mark Gunzinger explains that the Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) will fill a critical capability gap for the Air Force and anchor a future family of systems that will give the United States the ability to strike any future global target.