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7 Areas to Watch in the FY 2017 Defense Budget

This week on “Fed Access”, Katherine Blakeley, research fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joins host Derrick Dortch to talk about her new report: “Seven Areas To Watch In The FY17 Defense Budget“.


Bryan Clark: DoD Faces 5 Strategic Challenges in Funding

The Pentagon didn't get everything it wanted for 2017 in the President's budget proposal. But it got a lot: $524 billion in the base, plus another $59 billion for overseas contingency operations. It's a mix of cost-cutting reforms and investments in what the brass sees as five strategic challenges. Bryan Clark, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer his insight.


Demands On The Marine Corps Are Slowly Breaking Marine Aviation

Last month’s release of the 2016 Marine Corps Aviation Plan highlighted the service’s struggles to keep its planes flying and its pilots trained. Lt. Gen. Jon Davis, the deputy commandant for aviation, stated in the report’s introduction that the Corps has seen “a decrease in flight hours per month per aircrew and an uptick in [its] mishap rates,” leading to concerns about the readiness of Marine squadrons.


Protecting the Homeland – The Future of Missile Defense

On February 9, RealClearPolitics hosted an event which examined the future of missile defense in the U.S. How do we protect from the increasing threats from Russia, Asia and Iran? What are the best ways to combat the vastly different existing threats, including cruise range missiles, long range missiles and the Russian counter missiles? What innovations and technologies will help us protect our homeland and defend our allies?  CSBA’s Mark Gunzinger participated in one of two panel discussions.


Small States Have Options Too: Competitive Strategies Against Aggressors

Looking back at history, one might reasonably conclude that small states are destined to be on the losing end of geopolitics. Events of the last decade in particular do not give us much reason for optimism about the destiny of small states facing coercion at the hands of their larger and more powerful neighbors. 


New CNO’s Given His Vision – Now For The Hard Part

The overarching theme I get from Adm. Richardson’s strategic “Design” is the need for the Navy to become better able to adapt and change with the security, information, and maritime environment. Although we often talk about how the Navy is adaptable and flexible, in fact our methods for training sailors and preparing units to deploy are pretty rigid industrial-age processes.