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Webinar Discussion: ‘The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age’

CSBA hosted a webinar discussion of 'The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age', featuring contributions from CSBA President and CEO Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken, Counselor Amb. Eric Edelman, and Senior Fellow Dr. Toshi Yoshihara. The volume's editor, Dr. Hal Brands of the American Enterprise Institute, joined the authors for a discussion moderated by CSBA Fellow Dr. Katherine Kjellström Elgin.

Report Release Webinar: Air Power Metamorphosis: Rethinking Air Force Combat Force Modernization

On Thursday, April 27th CSBA hosted a release webinar for its latest study, Air Power Metamorphosis: Rethinking Air Force Combat Force Modernization. The event featured remarks by the author, CSBA Non-Resident Senior Fellow Dr. Chris Bowie, and CSBA President and CEO, Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken. Veteran air power analyst Jeremiah Gertler served as moderator.

Report Release Webinar: Innovating for Great Power Competition: An Examination of Service and Joint Innovation Efforts

CSBA hosted a release webinar for its latest study, Innovating for Great Power Competition: An Examination of Service and Joint Innovation Efforts. The event featured remarks by the authors, CSBA President and CEO Dr. Thomas Mahnken, Director of Research and Studies Dr. Evan Montgomery, and Analyst Tyler Hacker.